As you can see, the quality of the photos is not very good, but I am happy with the result. I made it after 18.00 and it was already quite dark. I was able to adjust the display parameters to such scant light. Elks in our area have appeared a few years ago. During a walk in the forest I could see their traces, places of rest and foraging on young pines. I met a moose for the second time and always after sunset. That’s when they go out to the fields to feed. The female and the young showed up. Shooting is very difficult. The animals did not avoid me, but rather I was afraid that the female and the young did not attack me. Then, when it was almost completely dark, two more elks appeared. The female attacked them very dynamically in defense of their young. Unfortunately, I regretted that I was not able to photograph such an interesting scene. Maybe it will be possible to photograph next time.