31 December 2015

New Year

Lets welcome the year which is fresh
Lets welcome the year which is fresh and new,
Lets cherish each moment it beholds,
Lets celebrate this blissful new year.

30 December 2015

common treecreeper

Eurasian treecreeper (Certhia familiaris)
This humble bird I met quite late and unexpectedly. First, I read about him, and a few days later I saw him on the apple tree just around the block where I live. It is easy to recognize by the way to get around the trees, but it is difficult to see because coloration is modest and blend with the color and texture of tree trunks. A year later in the winter, I managed to take a picture up on the trunk of pine and despite the small distance does not startled. Last a long time have not seen this bird.

29 December 2015

birds of Siberia and not only- woodpeckers

The woodpeckers are part of the Picidae family
We, in Poland nine species of woodpeckers. The most common Podlasie, of course, great spotted woodpecker. Apart from them we have woodpecker medium, small, and white-backed as well as three-toed. We have 2 green woodpeckers:grey-headed and green difficult to distinguish. Well, we have the largest woodpecker, ie, the black woodpecker and the smallest Lesser woodpecker. I did watch a woodpecker large, medium, lesser, black and grey-headed.Te same species inhabit the foothills of the Ural mountains. Here are some pictures of these extremely beautiful and interesting birds.

26 December 2015

birds of Siberia and not only - rosefinch

Common rosefinch (Carpodacus erythrinus)
This species met quite late, about 10 years ago. Although I visited the place on the river, right next to the bridge for a long time, only then I saw singing rosefinch on the tip of a willow. I remembered this modest but pleasant melody. Since then, every year I come in spring and summer to watch rosefinch still in the same place. It was harder to see me female. This bird is not widely known, and I think quite small Podlasie.

Here are singing rosefinch

25 December 2015

birds of Siberia - brambling

The brambling (Fringilla montifringilla) is a small passerine bird in the finch family Fringillidae
This bird just had a chance to watch only once. Initially, it seemed to me that this is a finch. If no season and a good opportunity to observe, I would not be sure. It was in the year 2013 in December. The bird hopped from branch to branch arborvitae growing next to the house every now and then hiding inside. I watched him closely, ie. approximately 3m. for at least 5 minutes. Siberia is its breeding territory.

24 December 2015

birds of Siberia and beyond - Willow tit

Willow tit (Poecile montanus) The Marsh tit and the Willow tit little different. This first rather not visit the gardens of human settlements as the marsh tit. Sikora poor are amateurs sunflower seeds. Here it easiest to observe and photograph. After the season lost in the woods. Willow Tit seen in the forest, but I'm not sure if this was not the second. I could not look at her carefully. Siberia population of this species as the other remaining affects us in Podlasie.In the first row we have photos of the willow tits and in the second row are photos of the marsh tits.

23 December 2015

birds of Siberia and beyond - coal tit

Coal tit (Periparus ater)

This is one of 6 tits present with us in the Podlasie region, where it has not yet encountered in nature. The area is expanding its occurrence, as it says in Wikipedia. I hope I can manage to see and photograph. Now I can only use the photos I Czernatkina from Chelyabinsk. There is tit is common, like many others tits did not occur in our area. Well, there are a lot more forests and a lot less people.

22 December 2015

birds of Siberia and beyond - siskin

Eurasian Siskin (Carduelis spinus). In Poland, even in the north-eastern part of it here, where I reside, it is breeding areas . I could not meet him during breeding season, but only in the winter as a migrant bird. Not very often I see this year a large herd siskins gay, loudly calling crowns alders. The greenish coloration makes it easy to distinguish them. A few years ago, during the cold winter siskins watched over the hedge of arborvitae. Allowed to approach a few meters feeding on their seeds. Western Siberia is inhabited by wile species of birds north and is it is common here.

21 December 2015

birds of Siberia - bearded tit

Bearded Tit (Panurus biarmicus) In Poland there occasionally, but not in my area and so I have not seen it in nature. Just beyond the Urals is the large number of lakes and there are places where this species can be called common. Beautiful coloration and shape do not cause difficulties in its diagnosis.

20 December 2015

birds of Siberia - Bohemian waxwing

Bohemian waxwing (Bombycilla garrulus) This is a typical bird of the north, who comes to us in November to spend the winter here. These birds migrate in large flocks stopping at fruit,rowans, shrubs on wintering fruit. while foraging often quarrel with each other and fight. They have a quick flight, but most of all the wonderful plumage that best describe these photos. I managed several times to shoot on apples and on the ground.

19 December 2015

birds of Siberia - bulfinch

Eurasian bullfinch (Pyrrhula pyrrhula) Not everyone knows that the female is grayish.Usually they reside in flocks. It is interesting to singing male, so gentle and sad. Most often I discover bullfinches first hearing their voices. Photograph is not very easy, because I prefer to stay high in the trees. At the end of winter gather the seeds of maple, ash or weeds in the snow. However, recently the winters are mild and bullfinches rarely visit us. They remain in the far north.

18 December 2015

birds of Siberia - Hawfinch

Hawfinch (Coccothraustes coccothraustes). I do not know if you saw this bird? You can see it most easily in winter. Its unusual shape and colors allow you to not confuse with other species. It is not a pretty ordinary as the name suggests. I personally met him under a tree damson, where he regularly flew and collected prune pits and on-site scaly them with his mighty beak. In Siberia, the Urals behind it is present in large quantities. Here are the pictures of this bird Ivan Czernatkina from Chelyabinsk.

16 December 2015

birds of Siberia - long-tailed rosefinch

This bird here in Poland is unknown. It belongs to genus of Carpodacus. The only representative from us is rosefinch ordinary (Erythrina erythrinus). This bird is not very common, but it can be found most often near rivers. It has a very pleasant melody and easy to remember. On the other hand long-tailed rosefinch (Carpodacus sibiricus) is a bird of the Siberian zone. Male coloration is more vivid with a predominance of red color. Here are the photographs of these species. Photographed by Ivan Czernatkin