We already have the beginning of March and the snow there is not a trace. Already appeared in our skylarks and starlings (February 27 for the first time). Time to hang nesting boxes for birds. I made 4 pieces even in winter. One box hung himself still in mid-February. But it was quite difficult to do it right. This morning was a good sunny weather and two more were today suspended with the younger helpers. This time I was the only director and photographer. One booth is designed for the smallest tits, the other for bigger tits, and the third for starlings. I wonder what the birds inhabit them.
On Saturday February 25th we had a very good warm and sunny weather. We left on our river Sidra to observe the birds returning in the spring. On the bridge near the Jaczne dostrzeliśmy lapwings and 2 ducks on the water. In the distance they were grazing deer. Then we went to visit a second bridge near Butrymowiec. On the way back we encountered a herd of deer a little closer. The total is 13 deer. The number of these animals decreased significantly after the winter 2014/15. A friend hunter said sarnom lacked drinking water and have benefited from the salt on the roads. Deer do not eat snow, and so do not satisfy thirst. At the second bridge we saw a flock of crows gray, which does not meet elsewhere. Then she noticed a fox aimed in the direction of the river. Here are some pictures from the trip.