17 January 2016

birds around us - skylark

The Eurasian skylark (Alauda arvensis)

It is true that we are half way through the winter, but I would like to present our Spring herald - a lark. First, it is heard high in the sky, and then we see it or not. Very nice is the melody of gray almost like a sparrow bird. In the countryside it is particularly well-liked. Here are approaching the work in a field where the lark always resides. We do not have another like a bird capita fields. Very interesting is his flight and landing. On the ground blend with the color of the soil and it is difficult to see. In order to accurately see it requires binoculars. With the shooting of the trouble. I could not make a good picture. Sometimes, after the arrival of larks relapse of winter and the snow falls. This bird can survive this difficult period.

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