Sunny, warm and most importantly no wind, you are the best conditions for photography. Well, of course, important that there was a lot of insects. Away there are seen large butterflies and first I photographed them as much as possible, because they are not prone to sit for long periods. Good light is important and it is difficult to immediately assess them. After a large butterflies time to look around for the lower butterflies or other insects. Interesting specimens meet is not easy. Below are some photos of the runs are short trips.
Small Tortoiseshell(Nymphalis urticae) Peacock(Inachis io) Common Brimstone(Gonepteryx rhamni)
Small Heath(Coenonympha pamphilus) Panorpa alpina Emerald Spreadwing(Lestes dryas)
In this post, as in the previous I put pictures of your holiday on the Baltic Sea. Stay on the beach and the batch in the sea in sunny warm weather, but also during cloudy and windy was a great pleasure for me. Here are more pictures of this short stay.
During the five-day stay in the Baltic Sea, and exactly The Vistula Spit made some pictures of the beach at different weather.Especially there is mood at sunset and during the stormy wind weather. There are some pictures from this trip.
I would like to show two chafers which are very common and major pest in the periodical years. The Cockchafer reach sizes of 25–30 mm and the Garden Chafe only 10-12 mm.
In last three years we had abundance these species.Both have a brown colour.Below you see photos of them.
May bug (Melolontha melolontha) Garden Chafer(Phyllopertha horticola)
I would like to present two very beautiful and common species of butterflies. You can not find them too often, but immediately draw attention to their appearance on the fly.The first is the Large Copper (Lycaena dispar from the family Lycaenidae. the second is the Marbled White (Melanargia galathea) from the family Nymphalidae.If you want to know more about them,click on the link.
And now short, just look at this photo to admire the beauty of nature.I do not know the name of this plant and what is its flower. I saw this plant in a small forest clearing.
Photographing butterflies among low shrubs and grasses noticed a butterfly [Ringlet (Aphantopus hyperantus)] captured by the spider. I took a picture of this dramatic scene. After a few minutes I returned to this place and I noticed that another butterfly [Heath Fritillary (Melitaea athalia)] was caught. I made the photo and on I went to the meadow. Then i came back again. another butterfly (another Heath Fritillary) was trapped, and also and it was photographed.Successful hunts have this tiny little spider.
Here are some pictures of the event.