In early spring is the time for the juicing from the birch. It's easy work. There need to do the hole in the birch tree then to hang container for jucie and to put in the wick into the hole and second end to the container.Now you must wait a few hour for result-healty juice. You must know the jusice ferment very fast.If you to know more, as the birch juice is healty, here is link to site -
From many years I haven't seen so widely flooded our small Sidra river. Winter was especially long and snowy to April 10th. Suddenly high temperature melted huge amount of snow. It's very joyful view, when you see so much of water and voices of wild bird on water and above at blue the sky.
This winter was extremely long. Almost from half of November to 9 April we had the skiing season. Sometimes there are very marvellous days but very often dull, windy and cloudy weather. Snow fell many times and I had much work with it. These photo were taken in last day of skiing season. Weather was perfect and snow hard as before ever.