If photos, which you see above are good? Certainly these photos aren't so good as those photos from previous two posts. The places chosen for photos are enough casual and light also isn't the best. Of course there happen much worse photos yet but it's worth to gain higher skills. I think, that experience is important but patience and accuracy as well, if our purpose is to have really interesting result.
We have pine, spruce,fir, oak, alder,birch forest and of course most often mixed forests. In every season of year the forest look differently but also what can be more essential, in every time of day. Before the storm and after, in the sun and in the rain the forest have its charm. I think, that we are very often disappointed with result. We'll look at some photos superb Russian photographer of the forest Dmitrii Alekseiv.Carefully look on there can understand what is art forest photo.
Who don't like a forest? If it's spring, winter or other season I always like a forest. We often admire its beaty and have the need remember such views. It's true that are places more beautiful in the forest than others. How to choose right for our photo. I think that it's enough good look with care many good photos of the forest. Below I put few very good photos according to my opinion of Dmitrii Alexeiev Russian photographer .
In last days of May next to my balcony pair of linnets began to build nest. I could watch them very easy but didn't want to disturb them. Then female began to lay eggs. On the nest perch only female and male feed her.It's very interesting to watch them every day.Male like to perch on smal twig and sings pretty nice and not loudly and gently. Below a few photos which I've taken for them. If you want to know more abut this species here link Common Linnet (Carduelis cannabina)
• More about pictures of people. Make sure that from the human head has not grown horns, trees and telegraph poles. If grow-depart a little aside. If you can change aperture-open it to drastically reduce the depth of the depicted space and thereby weaken the influence of background.
• Catch a beautiful sky. Faded white, clouded or clear blue skies not always look quite attractive. Often the scene looks much better with fluffy little clouds. Of course, this means the need to wait, or even come in different times to get a beautiful shot.
• Another tip-include an odd number of identical objects. I.e. one or three flowers look better than two or four. For special subjects this rule you can certainly break.
• Look for shade. Although to the naked eye shadows may appear light and transparent, on the photo they will look much heavier than you remember the scene. You can to soften shadows using fill flash.