11 November 2012

Wanting to sharpen photos

Wanting to sharpen photos before submitting them to the Internet is evident. The photos taken simple camera have auto sharpening and we see always sharpened them but digital SLR camera give view natural which appear us on the screen not delightfully. If we want to resize photo to more small size then ought to more sharpen it.There are many techniques of sharpening but result not always is satisfactory. I've found method of sharpening in the Internet that please me. I use to it Photoshop according following steps.
Step 1: convert to Lab color mode
Step 2: select lightness channel
Step 3: filter Unsharp Mask:amount about 130%,Radius 1px, Treshold 0;
Step 4:convert to RGB color mode
If result is satisfactory then process of sharpening is over.

First photo without sharpening, second after process of sharpening and third photo after next sharpening process with visible noise at left top corner.

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