Haymaking. Once upon a time, it was a very important period in agriculture and rural life. All the adults and children participated in the haylocks. For everyone was the right kind of work. Even at the turn of the 50s and 60s, almost all the work was done by hand. When it was good weather, there were plenty of people in the meadows. Well remember that besides the storks I saw beautiful roller (Coracias garrulus) sitting on lonely alders or willows. Today they are long gone. Most meadow flowers flourished. The smell of mown grass and hay especially during the evening is wonderful. At the time of the haymills, the mood was usually cheerful. Only occasionally, when the storm approached, everyone was in a hurry to save the hay from the rain.
The early haymaking is so mechanized that it is difficult to compare. Only men on the field with equipment are on the meadow. Grass collection takes place individually and takes a very short time, and due to new technologies there is no such dependence on weather. Only storks are still walking on mowed grasses.