13 April 2015


We already have the second decade of April and nature comes to life. Already a verdant black cherry, elderberry and other shrubs. Early spring flowers bloomed. On a warm day after the rain appeared amphibians. I went to the town of Bobra, where there are ponds after renovation. There originates river Biebrza known throughout Europe with the Biebrza Marshes. On the road I noticed a cluster of toads that looked unusual. Here are some photographs of the useful amphibians.

08 April 2015

The common chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs)

The common chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs), usually known simply as the chaffinch, is a common and widespread small passerine bird in the finch family. Surely everyone has seen it and heard a nice song. Finches are a little smaller than sparrows. The male is more colorful than the female. Males arrive first in late March or early April. This year I noticed on 26 March. Finches spring and summer are insectivores, and only in autumn they feed on grains. Sometimes even two outputs finch breeding. In September and October, fly away to the warm countries. Here’s finches singing so well known. Males typically sing two or three different song types, and there are regional dialects too. There you can to hear its song
Below you can see pictures of the male finches, female and young bird made a very good photographer birds I.Czernatkin from Chelyabinsk.